Attack the enemy outpost!


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The Partisans attack first.

As a fighter of the Šercer’s brigade, force the enemy garrison in Otiški vrh to surrender: assault their trenches and capture the part of town of Dravograd with the railway station on the right bank of the Drava river.

May 4th 1945

The Partisans killed 14 enemy soldiers, wounded 22 and captured 36 of them, seizing 3 light machine guns and 40 rifles and liberating 160 Russian and British prisoners of war. 

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Gestapo prisons in Dravograd, permanent collection of the Carinthian Provincial Museum
Source: Koroški Pokrajinski Muzej
Cell no. 5 or the cell of death in the infamous Gestapo prisons Dravograd
source:Koroški Pokrajinski Muzej
Memorial plaque at the former Gestapo prisons in Dravograd
source: Koroški Pokrajinski Muzej