Side mission: Use your smart phone to play a partisan song, to boost the moral of your soldiers. (2 points)
If you sing along you get 3 points!
Side mission – Dodatna misija- Missione secondaria – Nebenmission
EN – To boost the moral of your soldiers use your smart phone to play any partisan song. (2 points)
SLO – Za krepitev morale tovarišem, s pametnim telefonom predvajaj partizansko pesem. (2 točki)
ITA – Per aumentare il morale dei vostri compagni, suonate canzoni partigiane sul vostro smartphone. (2 punti)
DE – Um die Moral Ihrer Kameraden zu stärken, spielen Sie Partisanenlieder auf Ihrem Smartphone. (2 Punkte)