Attacking: Partisans.
Matija Gubec and Ivan Cankar Partisan battalions stumble upon a battalion of the Italian Macerata division. Surround the surprised Italians with a horseshoe maneuver and attack them.
Historical background:
March 26th 1943
360 Partisans, armed with 6 heavy and 18 light machine guns and a light mortar, attacked more than 480 Italian soldiers with 12 heavy and 24 light machine guns and two medium mortars. The Partisans succeeded in occupying some Italian positions and driving them to flee after 90 minutes of battle. Italian retreat was completely disorganized and it even turned into a panic-stricken flight in some cases. The Italian Macerata division suffered huge losses in that battle: they lost 106 soldiers, 102 were wounded. The Partisan units suffered 5 casualties and had 20 wounded fighters. They seizes 7 heavy and 12 light machine guns, 1 heavy mortar and 190 rifles.