When was Trieste liberated?
1st May 1945
(3 points)
a.) 1st May 1945
b.) 2nd May 1945
c.) 3rd May 1945
1st May 1945
(2 points)
Who liberated Trieste?
a.) The Yugoslav 4th army
b.) The New Zealand 2nd Division
The Yugoslav 4th army
(1 point)
When was Trieste liberated?
1st May 1945
(3 points)
a.) 1st May 1945
b.) 2nd May 1945
c.) 3rd May 1945
1st May 1945
(2 points)
Who liberated Trieste?
a.) The Yugoslav 4th army
b.) The New Zealand 2nd Division
The Yugoslav 4th army
(1 point)