Tvoj cij: LUČE

Napadaju partizani.
Kao borac/borkinja Savinjskog bataljona zaposjedni Ljubno.
19. svibnja 1942
2. i 3. četa Savinjskog bataljona zaposjeda Ljubno.
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Prvoborec, borec 14. divizije, udeleženec pohoda na Štajersko
(1921, Ljubljana – 1981, Ljubljana)
vir: Koroški pokrajinski muzej
Pavle Keršič – Ježek
First Fighter, Fighter of the 14th Division, participant of the march to Styria
(1921, Ljubljana – 1981, Ljubljana)
Later active in the VOS and VDV and in the OZNA in the Mislinjska Valley. Key-bearer, first combatant, participant in the 14th Division’s march to Styria in January and February 1944 as a brigade armourer, wounded in the area of Graška Góra, where he was treated by locals, then in the same brigade as a battalion informer.