La tua destinazione è ŽELEZNA KAPLA (AUSTRIA)

Attacco dei Partigiani.
Con il battaglione della Carinzia, distruggi l’armeria di Bela a sud di Železna Kapla.
Contesto storico:
6. novembre 1943
Il battaglione uccise 4 persone, ne ferì 4 e catturò 2 uomini armati, confiscando una mitragliatrice pesante, 20 fucili, un fucile da precisione e 10 pistole.
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Feel the history – visit us!

(1910, Lobnik pri Železni Kapli – 1980, Lubiana)
fonte:Koroški pokrajinski muzej
Carinthian Slovene – the main organizer of partisanship Karel Prušnik – Gašper
(1910, Lobnik pri Železni Kapli – 1980, Ljubljana)
Farmer, innkeeper, long-time president of the Association of Carinthian Partisans. Pre-war member of the Austrian Communist Party, accused and sentenced to five years in prison, spent in the infamous Graz penitentiary Karlau. Amnestied after one year. After the arrival of activists from Gorenjska, he joined the liberation movement in the second half of 1942, after the Gestapo invasion and arrests, which ended with the Klagenfurt trial in April 1943, when 13 Carinthian Slovenes were sentenced to death and beheaded in Vienna the same month. Many of others were sentenced to long prison terms, he managed to escape from the police before his arrest and joined the Carinthian Company on 3 December 1942. From a partisan, guard and companion of activists, he soon progressed to activist, becoming secretary of the KP for the Podjuna district, and in May 1944 secretary of the Provincial Committee of the OF for Carinthia. In this role he took part in the 2nd assembly of OF activists in September 1944 in Črnomelj, then he went for two months to activist work across the Drava to Svinška planina (Saualpen). After the war, he was twice sentenced to prison by the British, who had occupied Carinthia until the signing of the Austrian state treaty on 15 May 1955, for political offenses, which he served in the same penitentiary as before the war, this time together with the Nazis he had previously fought against.

(1914, Selnica ob Dravi – 1986, Ljubljana)
vir: Koroški pokrajinski muzej
First fighter, organizer of partisanship in Carinthia Pavle Žaucer – Matjaž
(1914, Selnica ob Dravi – 1986, Ljubljana)
He studied at the Faculty of Agriculture in Zagreb and graduated in 1940. A long-time pre-war member of SKOJ and KP, he organized trips to the Spanish Civil War and national defense camps. In 1941, he and his mother were exiled to Serbia, where he joined Ivan Cankar’s Slovene company in Užice and took part in an extremely strenuous Igman campaign with it. He was a member of the protection battalion of the Supreme Staff. In 1942 he was sent to Slovenia, from there to Styria, where he was appointed secretary of the KPS Central Committee for the Carinthian district, in this role he was the initiator of organized resistance against the occupier in the Mežica Valley. In March 1944, the Central Committee appointed him secretary of the KPS Regional Committee for Carinthia. Together with Karel Prušnik-Gašper, as a Carinthian native, he is considered the main organizer of the resistance in Carinthia.